14 November, 2008

K- country

More of K- country....

A day at the park

My son and I were playing with a flash head and some green wine bottles. I set the flash head behind the bottles and directed it towards an empty space on the wall to create a green backdrop. Then I set up a reflector beside the flash head to block any spill over light that might turn our subject green. The reflector also reflected light from the window which provided the main source of light for our subject which was me. I then set up the camera. The back drop was set at 5.6 and the subject( me ) was metred at 2.8 at 160th of a second. And this was our result .

08 November, 2008

Hi folks, I got my new Fx camera. It is simply amazing. The photo listed is, the first one I took. It was taken at 6400 ISO. My boy fell asleep with his mom while watching tv, the only light source was the tv and a lamp, no flash!